[69] the cha press,14 january 1937
[70] the cha press,14 january 1937
[71] the cha press,11 january 1937
[72] 天体运动是20世纪二三十年代中国人对从西方传进的裸体运动的称呼。天体营则指在划定的区域中活动的组织,里面的所有人均裸体游戏、运动、休憩等。——译者注
[73] anthony abbot, these are stran tales, john cston, phidelphia,1948
[74] north cha daily news,14 january 1937
[75] 今天津市和平区郑州道。——译者注
[76] 今天津市和平区烟台道。——译者注
[77] 额尔金勋爵(lord elg),英国殖民主义者,曾任英国驻加拿大总督,也是英法联军火烧圆明园的罪魁之一。——译者注
[78] 马赫迪(ahd)是19世纪末苏丹反英民族大起义(即马赫迪起义)的领导者。——译者注
[79] 苏丹首府。——译者注
[80] 即今天的天津解放北园。——译者注
[81] jab avshalo way:posers out of cha-a chronicle, xlibris rporation,2001
[82] the cha weekly review,20 arch 1937
[83] pekg and tients tis,23 arch 1937
[84] pekg and tients tis,23 arch 1937
[85] 引自英国国教礼拜用书《公祷书》。——译者注
[86] 引自《公祷书》。——译者注
[87] anthony abbot, these are stran tales, john cston, phidelphia,1948
[88] 傅满洲是英国《傅满洲》系列小说中的虚构人物,有华人的外表,号称世上最邪恶的角色。——译者注
[89] anthony abbot, these are stran tales, john cston, phidelphia,1948
[90] docunt f3453/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[91] docunt f3453/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[92] state departnt docunt 3931115/14,national archives and rerds adton dc
[93] docunt f3453/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[94] north cha daily news,3 february 1937
[95] pekg chronicle,13 january 1937
[96] north cha herald,10 february 1937
[97] john bpowell, y enty five years cha, ailn, new york,1945
[98] 便条内容及之后谭礼士与海伦的会面细节,参见helen foster snow, y cha years, willia orrow&,new york,1984。
[99] 英国的达拉谟轻步兵团(durhaht fantry)成立于1880年代,由民兵和志愿者组成,多次到世界各地维和。——译者注
[100] north cha herald,30 june 1937
[101] the national archives, opcit
[102] the tis(london),16 february 1954
[103] 安乐椅侦探(archair detective)是侦探小说里的一种侦探类型。他们无须奔波,只需坐在家中的安乐椅上,通过线索便可推理出真凶,柯南·道尔笔下福尔摩斯的哥哥麦克罗夫特就是一个典型例子。
[104] docunt f3453/1510/10,opcit
[105] docunt f5480/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[106] docunt f5480/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[107] 倭讷与这名白俄女孩的会面细节,参见docunt f3453/1510/10。
[108] docunt f5480/1510/10,opcit
[109] docunt f5480/1510/10,opcit
[110] docunt f5480/1510/10,opcit
[111] docunt f3453/1510/10,opcit
[112] docunt f3453/1510/10,opcit
[113] docunt f9120/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[114] 即现在的渤海湾。——译者注
[115] 倭讷与罗茜·吉尔伯特的会面细节,参见docunt f12367/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew。
[116] 倭讷与刘宝忠的会面细节,参见docunt f9120/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew。
[117] docunt f9120/1510/10(far eastern),the national archives, kew
[118] 玛丽的这句证词和关于玛丽的描述,参见docunt f8038/1510/10,the national archives, kew。
[119] docunt f8038/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[120] docunt f8038/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[121] docunt f12367/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[122] docunt f12367/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[123] 即东长安街。——译者注
[124] docunt f12367/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[125] docunt f12367/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[126] docunt f9120/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[127] 倭讷与科瑙夫的会面细节参见docunt f9120/1510/10,the national archives, kew。
[128] docunt f9120/1510/10,the national archives, kew
[129] docunt f714/714/10,the national archives, kew
[130] helen foster snow, y cha years, willia orrow&,new york,1984
[131] 王克敏(1876~1945)是1937年日本扶植的傀儡政权“中华民国临时政府”的首脑之一。——译者注
[132] greg leck, captives of epire:the japanese ternnt of allied civilians cha 1941-1945,shandy press, phidelphia,2006
[133] 即著名的潍县集中营——译者注
[134] 指受19世纪的设计革新影响,在20世纪最初十年盛行于西方建筑、装潢和工艺品中的风格,特点是明快、简洁而不失优雅。——译者注
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