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[1] ilobal health(2015);3(3):e132 doi:101016/s2214-109x(14)70381-xdietary ality a n and won 187untries 1990 and 2010:a systeatic assessnt

[2] pietil&228;en,kh,t j obes( ake you fat?a study

[3] ochner,cn,ncet diabetes endocrol(11 feb 2015);pii:s2213-8587(15)00009-1doi:101016/s2213-8587(15)00009-1treatg obesity serioly:when reical adaptations

[4] goldacre,b,bad science(fourth estate,2008);

第一章 标签上没有的成分:微生物

[5] fernández,l,phar and potential roles health and disease

[6] aagaard,k,sci transl d(21 ay 2014);6(237):237ra65the pcenta harbors a unie icrobio

[7] funkhoer,lj,plos biol(2013);11(8):e1001631o knows best:the universality of aternal icrobial transission

[8] koren,o,cell(3 aug 2012);150(3):470–80host re pregnancy

[9] hansen,ch,gut boratory ut icrobiota and host iunity an early‘ of opportunity’

[10] http://britishgut and http://a

[11] afshnekoo,e,cels(2015);http://dxdoi/101016/jcels2015010012015ospatial retion of huenoics

第二章 能量与热量

[12] kavanagh,k,obesity(jul 2007);15(7):1675–84trans fat diet duces abdoes sul sensitivity onkeys

[13] novotny,ja,a 2012);96(2):296–301discrepancy beeen the aater factor predicted and ey vaes of alonds huan diets

[14] bleich,sn,a j prev es cha restaurant nu ite

[15] sun,l,physiol behav(feb 2015);139:505–10the ilyceic response healthy adults

[16] sacks,fi of dietary carbohydrate and sul sensitivity:the onicarb rct

[17] bouchard,c,n engl j -ter identical s

[18] saaras,k,j cl endocrol eic factors detere the aount and distribution of fat won after the nopae

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[20] neel,jv,ae(dec 1962);14:353–62diabetes ress’?

[21] ng,b,j ath biol(2007)54:27–43dynaics of starvation huans

[22] speakenes for obesity:the‘drifty ne’hypothesis

[23] speaky(ical regution,then how e we have an obesity epideic?

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[25] ogden,cl,jaa(26 feb 2014);311(8):806–14prevalence of childhood and adult obesity the united states,2011–12

[26] rokhol off of the obesity epideic sce the year 1999–a review of evidence and perspectives

[27] lee,rj,j cl vest(3 ute huan upper respiratory nate iunity

[28] negri,r,j pediatr gastroenterol nutr(ay 2012);54(5):624–9taste perception and food choices

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[39] hall,kd,ncet(27 aug 2011);378(9793):826–37antifcation of the effect of energy iht

[40] williag exercise levels on weight and a-reted weight ga

[41] hall,kd,ncet(27 aug 2011);378(9793):826–37antifcation of the effect of energy iht

[42] turner,je,a j cl nutr(nov 2010);92(5):1009–16nonprescribed physical activity energy expenditure is ataed with structured exercise and iy take

[43] strasser,b,ann ny acad sci(apr 2013);1281:141–59physical activity obesity and tabolic syndro

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[46] haer,v,diabetes care(nov 2009);32 suppl 2:s392fat or ft:what is ore iportant?

[47] folhol,,obes rev(ar 2010);11(3):202–21physical activity,fitness and fatness:retions to ortality,orbidity and disease risk factors

[48] viloria,,ia levels and lyphocyte unt oe teste

[49] atsuoto, exercise alters icrobiota position and creases n-butyrate ncentration the rat cecu

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[52] kubera,b,front neuroenertics(8 ar 2012);4:4the bra’s supply and deand obesity

第三章 脂肪:总脂肪

[53] de nijs,t,crit rev cl b sci(nov 2013);50(6):163–71apob vers non-hdl-cholesterol:diagnosis and cardiovascur risk ent

[54] kaur,n,j food sci technol(oct 2014);51(10):2289–303essential fatty acids as functional ponents of foods,a review

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[60] ional,and national nsuption levels of dietary fats and oils 1990 and 2010:a syste 266 untry-specific nutrition surveys

[61] capbell,tc,a j cardiol(26 nov 1998);82(10b):18t–21tdiet,lifestyle,and the etiology of ronary artery disease:the rnell cha study

[62] capbell,tc,the cha study(benbel books,2006)

第四章 脂肪:饱和脂肪

[63] w,,bj(1999);318:1471–80why heart disease expnation

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[66] david,la,nature(23 jan 2014);505(7484):559–63

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[70] siri-taro,pw,a j cl nutr(2010);91:535–46 the asciation of saturated fat with cardiovascur disease

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[77] jaces,p,aht ent

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[88] de palut-bra axis functional gastrotestal dirders

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[90] ide n24

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[92] tillisch,k,gut ut icrobiota on s function huans

第五章 脂肪:不饱和脂肪

[93] the rhy uld al rete to the unpopur taxes they raised,or even to an earlier dispute beeen kg richard and his brother john

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第六章 反式脂肪

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[114] es diet and lifestyle and long-tera won and n

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第七章 蛋白质:动物蛋白

[143] diaers and steel(norton,1997)

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第八章 蛋白质:非动物蛋白

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第九章 蛋白质:乳制品

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第十章 碳水化合物:糖类

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[216] locke,ae,nature(12 feb 2015);518(7538):197-206ic studies of body y

[217] qi,q,n engl j es and ic risk of obesity

[218] keskitalo,k,a estionnaire,body ass dex,and responses to sweet and salty fatty foods:a study of ic and environntal asciations


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